Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

Download Maktabah Syamilah

Maktabah Syamilah is a software which is a collection of Islamic books since the 4th century Hegira. Book for this may be enjoyed only by writing on paper, either on yellow paper (sehinggah called Yellow Book) and in the white paper, requires a separate effort to have it, the price is quite expensive, which should be provided special place, her treatment so as not damaged by insects , fungus, moist air, and others. By installing this software, it is hoped the issue could be resolved.

This Software is free, no need to buy it, no need to provide a large room to accommodate the thousands of books, each of which may be comprised of dozens of chapters. Book this model will not be damaged by noise above, even if the computer is damaged or corrupted programnyapun, then simply re dicopykan course from its original course, God willing, will be enjoyed again with ease.

This software is perfect for the Asatidz, the Kiai, reviewer Islam, Islamic lecturers, libraries and the hut-boarding school. Please note that this software contains books in accordance with Islamic turath Ahlussunnah wal Jamaat ideology in various versions.

This software includes many books in various fields

1. In the field of interpretation (52 books) includes Tafsir Tabari, Ibn Kathir, Al-Baghawi, Al-allusions, Al-Bahr, Fath al-Qadir, Ad-Durrul Mantsur, Jalalain, Al-Khazin, Zamakhshari, Abdis Ibn Salam, Sayyid Thanthawi , ADH-Dhilal, Al-Qushayri, etc..
2. In the field of Ulumul Quran (43 books), including I'rabul Koran, Asbabu Nuzulil Qur'an, Al-itqan, Misykatul anwar, Fadlailul Quran, Quran Majazul, Lubabun Nuzul, At-Tibyan, Asbabun Nuzul, Ahkamul lisy Sayfi'iy Quran, Koran li Ahkamul Ibni Arabiy, etc.
3. In the field of Fiqh, the book is placed within the four separate schools. For Syafi'y Imam Shafi'i, 19 books that are available is Al-Umm, I'anatuh Thalibin, Wahhab Fath, Fath Mu'in, Asnal Mathalib, Al-Majmu ', Raudlatuth Thalibin, Hasyiah Qalyubi wa Umairah, Mughnil Muhtaj, Nihayatul Muhtaj , Hasyiah Bujairimi alal Khatib, Hasyiah Bujairimi alal Minhaj, etc..
4. In the schools of Imam Malik (14 books), Ash-Syarhul Kabir, Bidayatul Mujtahid, Mukhtasar Khalil, At-Taju wal Iklil, Mawahibul Jalil, Ad-Dasuqi Hasyiyah alasy Syarhil Kabir, etc.. In schools there are 17 books of Imam Hanafi, Maliki and Shafi'i Imam there are 14 books.
5. In the field of Sufism, / Virtue there Ulumiddin Ihya, Riyadlush Righteous, Al-Kabair, Al-Futuhatul Makiyyah, Qutul Qulub, Al-Risalatul Qusyairiyyah, Al-Adzkar, etc..
6. General classification includes books Tafsirul Ahlam, Anam fi Ta'tirul Tafsiril Ahlam, Mausu'ah Tafsiril Ahlam, Mafahimul Islamiyya, Al-li Jam'iyyatul Khairiyyah Tahfidhil Qur'anil Karim, Karim Qur'anil Jam'ul fi 'Ahdi Khulafair Rashideen, etc.
7. Usul Fiqh, Hadith Mushtalah, and various other fields up to 29 groups with a total of 1800 books.

All books have been published in full this software, therefore its size is very large, the required minimum Hard Disk 4.2 Giga Byte.

Please note that to open any book of the need for maktabah syamilah program, if you already have then can be directly opened with syamilah viewer, but if not you can download the program click here Version 2:11 Maktabah Syamilah file size 17 MB.

To get the CD Maktabah Syamilah:
Download through the website of al-Misykat

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